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Despite his misgivings, Torrio agrees to join Nucky at his meeting with Maranzano, promising to help him get to the bottom of everything. Locked out of their house while their parents have sex, Enoch takes Eli out for a cornball. While they sit on the beach, Enoch tells his brother about a bigger, wealthier world -- a world he wants access to.

At Narcisse's Harlem whorehouse, Daughter Maitland begs Chalky to leave while he still can. Despite her pleas, Chalky insists on waiting with her until Narcisse arrives. Eli and June have a tense dinner at Van Alden's kit house, where Sigrid treats June coldly and takes every opportunity to belittle her husband. Following their meal, Eli insists that he and Van Alden clear the dishes, but when Abigail puts on a George Van Dusen record, Eli is overcome. Realizing that he slept with Sigrid while very drunk, he drops an armload of dishes.
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Nucky ponders a recent dream as Dr. Surran bandages up his wounded hand. Because Surran profits from the medicinal alcohol license Nucky arranged, Nucky reminds him he should have been told about the Commodore's stroke, despite the doctor/patient privilege. Margaret asks the doctor to check on Emily who is running a fever. Owen comes across Margaret cleaning up after breakfast and assures her he and Katy will show respect in her home.

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Meanwhile, Nucky interrogates a young man who has stolen liquor from Mickey Doyle's warehouse. First putting him at ease, once the boy reveals his accomplice - Rowland Smith -- Nucky orders Manny Horvitz to put a bullet in his head. Later, Nucky promises Horvitz (a lesser partner in Mickey Doyle's operation), his own still as a reward for tracking and killing Rowland Smith.

Julia tells him that the medal belonged to her brother Fred who died right before the Armistice - a fact her father cannot forgive. Julia learns that Harrow has a sister, and tells him that she's lucky to have him back. Nucky, Eli and Owen meet with Rothstein to discuss the Gyp Rosetti problem, since there are no viable routes to New York that bypass Tabor Heights.
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Following his successful meeting with Ronis, Nucky survives an assassination attempt when his bodyguard Arquimedes comes to his rescue, killing the assassin and chopping off his ear. After the chaos subsides and Nucky pays off the local authorities, he runs into Meyer Lanksy's wife. Nucky speaks to her, but she replies in Spanish; she is actually a local prostitute, not Lanksy's wife.
Eli arrives home and sees how much his children have grown in his absence. June tells him that their eldest son Willie took a job at the lumberyard to make ends meet. Determined to give his son and family the life they had prior to his arrest, Eli swallows his pride and goes to work at Mickey's warehouse. Eddie Cantor entertains the Thompsons' guests with flapper and performer Billie Kent. Meeting with his fellow gangsters, Nucky reveals his new business plan to export to Rothstein only.
Instead, he finds a crate partially buried in the sand, containing the boy's stolen possessions. The following day, Enoch and Eli wait under the boardwalk for the boy to return, and are shocked to learn that their thief is a girl named Gillian. Disturbed by Charlotte's fate, Gillian meets with Dr. Cotton to tell him that she's made a full recovery and wants to work towards being released.
He sells 400 of them to the hotel manager of the Ritz for half the going rate. Capone brings Remus to Jimmy's house to make a deal for government bonded whiskey. Luciano, Lansky and Doyle join the two in pledging $60,000 apiece up front for access to Remus' alcohol. Remus agrees after clarifying the tab for his Atlantic City weekend is on Jimmy. The others bring up Manny Horvitz's continued nudging about the $5000 he is owed, but Jimmy says he'll take care of him.
Rose refuses to hear Van Alden's explanations and flees the apartment. Chip Thorogood successfully argues to have Nucky's case moved from state to federal court. Thorogood, Icky Ginsburg and Eddie celebrate while Nucky calls Harry Daugherty with his thanks.

Eli meets with Agent Knox and reveals details about Nucky's latest venture into the heroin business. Knox is surprised Nucky takes orders from Dr. Narcisse, but Eli tells him that it's the money that Nucky can't walk away from. Despite Eli's reluctance, Knox urges him to put together a meeting with Nucky and all his key players.
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